Repetition of Examinations

Failed an exam? It can happen - but everyone has a second chance

Regardless of what you are studying, the following regulations apply:

1. written examinations can be repeated once in this form.
IMPORTANT: The repetition of examinations must take place at the latest on the next but one examination date.

If you do not pass this resit either, there will be an oral re-examination at the same time (up to 6 weeks) as the date of the failed examination. The result of this oral re-examination is either a "pass" (4.0) or a "fail" (5.0).

If you also fail the re-examination, you will actually be exmatriculated and lose your right to take the examination. In this case, an application for a second retake must be submitted:
The second retake is done in writing and must be taken on the next but one examination date at the latest .
In this case, the candidate decides whether to take the next written examination date or the one after that. If the second resit examination has been taken in written form and is not graded "sufficient", the candidate is also entitled to an oral resit examination.

For the written second repeat examination, the full range of grades may be used.
ATTENTION, these statements refer to the SPO14/15, anyone who has started studying beforehand only has the chance to take an oral examination with a result of either "passed" (4.0) or "failed" (5.0) with the approved hardship application.

2. oral examinations and examinations of other types can only be repeated once. If this first repetition is not passed, an application for a second repetition must be submitted.

3. coursework is generally ungraded and may be repeated until it has been passed.

Form for the application for a second repetition

3. what happens if you have taken this last chance in a module, passed it and then find yourself in this situation again in another module? In this case, you can submit another application for a second retake, but a member of the Presidential Board will decide after the Examination Board has given its opinion.

A second repeat application for the same examination (third repeat) is NOT permitted.

Here is some important information on the subject of resitting examinations:

  • Examinations must be retaken by the examination date after next at the latest.
    Please also remember to register for the repeat exams in CAS!
  • Orientation exam: there is only one resit exam, which consists of a resit exam and, if applicable, an oral resit exam. If you fail this exam, you lose your right to take the exam - so there is no second retake. The orientation examination consists of the three written examinations from module BA.01.
  • Coursework (internships and non-graded seminars) may be repeated several times