In your Master's thesis, you can demonstrate everything you have learned during your studies.
Application Form Master's Thesis
Scientific papers should be written in the style of scientific publications.
Anleitung zum Verfassen einer AbschlussarbeitMaster thesis biology
WICHTG: The prerequisite for starting the Master's thesis is that you have completed 90 CP (or 27 MA-Ed-Bio).
As soon as you have completed all the coursework, you can register for the Master's thesis (proof of grades required). This runs for 6 months; upon justified request, a deadline extension of two months can be granted, in justified exceptional cases another month. (Attestation)
Please note:
You should start writing your Master's thesis within three months of the last examination.
Please note: The Master's thesis must be registered in CAS no later than 1 month after the start of the thesis. (See process below). The study commission also reserves the right to check laboratory books in individual cases to verify that the experiments presented in the thesis have been achieved within the registered processing time.
The first reviewer should be a professorial member of the faculty. The two reviewers should be from two different institutes in order to ensure an independent review. Examiners from the following list can be considered as reviewers, List of examiners (pdf)
External theses must be approved in advance by the examination board(for the application for approval of an external thesis)
To register , please fill out the linked form. Send the completed form, sign the pdf file and send it to the first examiner for entry in the CAS.
Master thesis registration form
The first reviewer should be a professorial member of the faculty, the second reviewer should come from another working group.
You can find out who is authorized to review theses in the list of reviewers (pdf).
If you wish to write an external Master's thesis, you must apply to the Dean of Studies. The informal confirmation from the external supervisor must state that"the thesis will be supervised and the necessary resources will be made available to the student". Here too, the first reviewer is a professorial member of the faculty.
Please also note the KIT information sheet - External theses (as of July 2017).
To extend your thesis, please complete the application for Extension of Examination Entitlement and send it by email to the Dean of Studies. A second extension is only possible in case of illness with a certificate.
Please note the submission deadline, if the work is submitted late, the work will be graded with 5.0! If the date of submission falls on a weekend, the work must be handed in on the Friday before!
Please remember to sign the declaration of independence stating that you have written the paper independently and have not used any aids other than those listed in the sources. This declaration must be signed!
A printed version for the Registrar's Office is not required!!! Please upload your thesis with the digitally signed declaration of independence (IMPORTANT!) as a PDF (see below).
The digitally transmitted file must have the following format :
Lastname_Firstname_ Submission_Bio_MA.pdf
Example: Duck_Donald_Abgabe_Bio_BA.pdf