Various Forms and Applications

Application for Extension of the Deadline for the Orientation Examination (pdf)

Depending on the choice of field of study according to § 3 para. 7
  1. in the case of "General Biology", the module examinations in the module "Structure and Function of Life" or
  2. in the case of "Applied Biology", the module examinations in the module "Structural-Functional Aspects of Biological Application"
by the end of the examination period of the second semester (orientation examinations). Please take the completed form to the office hours of the Chairman of the Examination Board Prof. Dr. Jörg Kämper
Application for Extension of the Examination Period for the Bachelor's Thesis
Please fill out the form, have it signed and hand it in to the Chairman of the Examination Board, Prof. Jörg Kämper
Application for Extension of the Examination Deadline for the Master's Thesis
Please fill out the form, have it signed and hand it in to the Chairman of the Examination Board, Prof. Jörg Kämper
A placeholder is entered if you have completed an internship outside the curriculum offered (abroad or in a company or similar) and this has been recognized by the chair of the examination board or an examiner as adequate coursework. The registered internship can then contain an individual title. Please complete and submit the following form and have it signed by the examination board or the recognizing examiner.

Application to Register a "Placeholder Achievement"


Application to set up a pre Master's Account


Notification of Admission for Examinations that CANNOT be Registered Online


ECTS Tables