Anerkennungen von Leistungen innerhalb und außerhalb des Hochschulsystems
Recognition of Achievements Within and Outside the University System

Basic Regulations
The basic regulations for the recognition of study and examination achievements can be found in the examination regulations:
Bachelor Biology: SPO from June 27, 2017 (SPO BA 2017), § 19
Master Biology: SPO from October 21, 2014 (SPO Master 2014), § 18
Bachelor of Education: SPO dated August 05, 2015 (SPO Bachelor of Education 2015), §18
Accordingly, the achievements required in the curriculum can also be achieved through the recognition of external achievements. External achievements can be acquired as follows:
1. within the higher education system (worldwide)
2. outside the higher education system (at institutions with standardized quality assurance systems; recognition may be denied if more than 50 percent of the higher education studies are to be replaced)
Recognition is granted at the student's request, provided that there is no significant difference between the skills acquired and the achievements or qualifications that are to be replaced.
The Examination Board is responsible for recognition and credit transfer and decides on recognition and, if applicable, placement in a higher semester after consulting the relevant subject representatives.
Achievements that were not completed at KIT are shown as "recognized" in the transcript of records. If the grading systems are comparable, the grade will be accepted; if they are not comparable, a conversion may be made.
Procedure for First Semester Students
Specific procedure:
- Compare the contents of the external performance with the current version of the module handbook of your degree program valid at KIT.
- Provide certified copies of your certificate/transcript and corresponding excerpts from the module handbooks as proof of the external coursework. It is always necessary to submit proof of the content and scope of the work completed.
- In the case of credits earned at educational institutions that are not part of the higher education system or professional credits, such credits can only be recognized as equivalent if it is ensured that the institutions at which the credits were earned have a standardized quality assurance system. Enclose a corresponding certificate from the respective institution with the application for recognition.
- If necessary, discuss your planned application now with the Student Advisory Service Ms. Dr. Urszula Weclawski during office hours.
- Please fill out the Recognition form (doc) and submit it with the relevant supporting documents to the respective responsible subject representative/contact person with the relevant evidence.
- The application(s) completed by the subject representative(s) should then be submitted to the Biology Student Advisory Service for forwarding to the Chair of the Examination Board.
- After review and approval by the Chair of the Examination Board, the recognized achievements will be entered by the achievement coordinator.
Procedure for Applicants for a Higher Semester
The application must be accompanied by a current transcript of records with all passed and failed coursework and examinations. In addition, an excerpt from the module handbook is required for all achievements relevant for recognition in order to be able to carry out an equivalence check. The examination board
decides on the placement in a higher semester on the basis of the documents submitted.
The formal recognition of the respective achievements takes place after enrolment upon application by the student within the first semester after enrolment (see below for the specific procedure).
It is strongly recommended that you make use of a student advisory service before applying. For applicants for the 4th or higher semester, a prior consultation at the ZIB (Center for Information and Advising) is mandatory. The counseling certificate must be submitted with the application.
Applicants transferring from the Bachelor of Chemistry or Chemical Biology degree programs or from the Bachelor of Biology to the Bachelor of Education Biology and vice versa at KIT only need the KIT grade transcript with verification code as proof.
Specific procedure:
- Compare the contents of the external course with the current version of the Bacher/Master Food Chemistry module handbook valid at KIT.
- Provide certified copies of your certificate/transcript and corresponding excerpts from the module handbooks as proof of the external coursework. It is always necessary to submit proof of the content and scope of the work performed.
- In the case of achievements acquired at educational institutions that are not part of the higher education system or professional achievements, such achievements can only be recognized as equivalent if it is ensured that the institutions at which the achievements were acquired have a standardized quality assurance system. Enclose a corresponding certificate from the respective institution with the application for recognition.
- Discuss your planned application with the Student Advisory Service. If necessary, have a certificate of advising issued. You can obtain advice on the subject of Biology from Dr. Urszula Weclawski (please keep office hours or make an appointment)
Submit the documents listed under point 2 with your application documents. - After enrolment, apply for recognition of your achievements.
- Please fill out the Recognition form (doc)and submit the application with the relevant evidence to the relevant subject representative (see appendix p. 5).
- The application(s) completed by the subject representative(s) should then be submitted to the Food Chemistry Student Advisory Service for forwarding to the Chair of the Examination Board.
- After review and approval by the Chair of the Examination Board, the recognized achievements are entered by the achievement coordinator.
Recognition of Achievements From a Stay Abroad
Study and examination credits earned during a stay abroad at a recognized foreign university can and should be recognized as far as possible. For some exchange programs, such as ERASMUS, the possibility of recognition must be checked and documented before the stay abroad. In all other cases, it is necessary to discuss the possibility of recognition in advance with the respective subject representatives at KIT and to document the agreement in writing. Please fill out the Recognition form (doc) and fill it in.
Further information on stays abroad can also be found on the page Exchange Programs
The actual application for recognition of individual achievements must be submitted within 6 months of returning from the stay abroad in view of the processing times.
Specific procedure before the stay abroad:
- First contact the person responsible for advising on stays abroad Student Advisory Service Prof. Lennart Hilbert .
- Apply to the relevant subject representative for recognition of credits.
- To do this, fill out the application form for the confirmation of recognition and submit the application to the relevant subject representative (see appendix p. 5).
- The application(s) completed by the subject representative(s) should then be submitted to the Food Chemistry Student Advisory Service for forwarding to the Chair of the Examination Board.
- The application will then be approved by the Chair of the Examination Board.
- You will receive a confirmation of recognition from the Chair of the Examination Board.
Specific procedure after the stay abroad:
- Deadline: The actual application for recognition of individual achievements must be submitted to the Chair of the Examination Board within 6 months of returning from the stay abroad in view of the processing times.
- Submit the confirmation of recognition and theRecognition form (doc) to the Chair of the Examination Board.
- After review and approval by the Chair of the Examination Board, the recognized achievements will be entered by the achievement coordinator.
Subject Representative Responsible for the Recognition of Examination Achievements
Subject Area |
Subject Representative |
All Biology Modules |
Prof. Dr. Jörg Kämper |
General Chemistry |
Prof. Dr. Silke Behrens |
Organic Chemistry |
Dr. Norbert Foitzik |
Mathematics |
Prof. Dr. Jörg Kämper |
Microbiology |
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Fischer |
Statistics |
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Klar |