Attention: To ensure that you can get an appointment for the talk in time, you should announce at least one semester before completing your doctoral thesis that you still need a lecture date for the Main Talk! |
Main Project Talks will be held on each of the dates, including discussion. The speakers of the day are discussion leaders for the other talks on the day.
In addition, there will be a poster session with the project presentations of the new projects (former SP Talks).
In order to receive a certificate for participation in the seminar, participation in a total of 7 dates per semester is mandatory, including participation in all the above-mentioned dates in any case, but also participation in the Biological Colloquium. Doctoral students must provide proof of at least 3 semesters of attendance, a poster and an MP-Talk for their doctorate.
For the certificate please use the form in the WIWI-Portal print it out and have it signed.
Participation in the seminar will be confirmed by a professor present at the seminar. Each participant is responsible for his/her routing slip and must hand in the completed slip to Véronique Orian-Rousseau. A certificate can then be issued.
Masters and PhD students will be assigned to each other and please contact each other independently. The Master's review articles should be sent to the respective doctoral students at least 4 days before the seminar, who will assess them with their supervisor and inform the Master and the seminar leader (Véronique Orian-Rousseau) of their decision. The same procedure applies to the summaries. The OK to the summary must be communicated to the seminar leader.
Conditions for Master:
- Participation in the seminar: 7x / semester (all dates of the doctoral seminar and dates of the biocolloquium => a total of 7 dates)
- Writing a review article of 3-4 pages based on review articles provided by the doctoral student/speaker by 4 days before the seminar.
- At least 3 questions to the doctoral candidate in the seminar.
- Writing a summary (1 page, to be submitted no later than 14 days after the seminar).
Conditions for doctoral students:
- Participation in the seminar: 7x / semester (all dates of the doctoral seminar and dates of the biocolloquium => a total of 7 dates); must be present over the course of the doctorate over 3 semesters.
- 1 poster contribution at the beginning of the doctorate (by the end of the 1st year at the latest)
- 1 MP talk at the end of the doctorate; duration 20 min + discussion
The following tasks must be fulfilled for the poster contribution and the MP talk:
a.Timely (by the registration deadline) uploading of an abstract in ILIAS
(Instructions for creating an abstract)
b. Sending review articles to the respective Master's student
c. Correction of the Master's review article, judgment to Master and seminar leader
d. Correction of the Master's summary, judgment to Master and seminar leader
e. Leading the discussion in your own seminar with the other lecturers

To receive the certificate please fill out the form, print it out and have it signed
How to write the abstract