The AG Fischer works with filamentous fungi. Fungi are very important in nature and play a major role in biotechnology. The group investigates fundamental phenomena such as the influence of light and the role of phytochrome. There are also projects with an application focus. For example, the formation of secondary metabolites (antibiotics and mycotoxins) in Alternaria alternata is being investigated. A new project deals with predatory, nematode-catching fungi that can also be used as biocontrol agents. In all projects, special emphasis is placed on cell biology.

Genetics - Molecular Phytopathology
We deal with the corn smut fungus Ustilago maydis, which has become a leading model organism in phytopathology in recent years. During its life cycle, U. maydis changes from the saprophytic phase, in which the fungus grows yeast-like and is unable to infect its host plant maize, to the pathogenic phase, in which it grows filamentously and is absolutely dependent on the host plant. We are particularly interested in the regulatory network that controls the switch from the saprophytic to the pathogenic phase. Another focus is the directed transport through vesicles (endosomes) in the filamentous cells.