Elective Areas of the Practical Master's Modules

At the beginning, you choose three areas to focus on. Within these three areas, you select two research modules (four-week graded internship with lecture) and one project module (four-week ungraded internship). As the project modules are completed individually, they are arranged individually with the respective providers. The research modules are completed in fixed blocks whereby the choice of module before the start of the semester determines the allocation of places on the respective research modules.

Life Science Engineering (LSE) sees itself as an interface between the life sciences and engineering sciences with the aim of making innovative findings from the life sciences technically usable
Elective Area Life Science Engineering
Whether plant biochemistry, CRISPR-Cas, phytochrome research, applied biodiversity or plant stress, you can contribute to current research in every area
Elective Area Botany
Neurodevelopmental biology, pathophysiology and signal transduction the module canon offers a wide range of courses in the field of zoology
Elective Area Zoology
With genetic engineering, plant pathogen research, food toxicology and biotechnology, the Institute of Applied Biosciences offers a broad spectrum in the field of microbiology.
Elective Area MicrobiologyGenetic engineering, methods of developmental genetics, applied plant genetics, genetics of eukaryotes - no biologist can do without genetics these days
Elective Area Genetics
Almost all students choose the Molecular Biology module, in which they are taught the tools for all areas of biology, because no area of biology can do without molecular biology.
Elective Area Molecular Biology
In the cell biology modules, microscopic and molecular biological methods are used to research biological processes at the cellular level.
Elective Area Cell Biology
From the individual cell to the complete organism, how does differentiation and development work? These questions are dealt with in the modules in developmental biology.
Elective Area Developmental Biology
Interdisciplinary topics are researched here. How can fundamental findings be applied technically? With its technical focus, KIT offers excellent opportunities here
Elective Area Biotechnology
Protein kinetics, biomolecular microanalytics, penomics and chemomics, tissue engineering and 3D cell culture are all interdisciplinary electives in biochemistry. The subject can also be completed at the Institute of Organic Chemistry in the Ulrich working group, for which a complete semester should be planned.
Elective Area Biochemistry
The subject is offered by our sister faculty Bioengineering. One module takes place in the post-semester block and then the entire winter semester should be kept free for the subject of Technical Biology; the entire subject is offered in one semester.
Elective Area Technical Biology
This elective area is part of Prof. Andrea Hartwig's working group in the Food Toxicology degree program. You should keep a complete semester free for this.
Elective Area Toxicology
Would you like to transfer your previously acquired knowledge to ecosystems?
In cooperation with our sister faculty Geoecology, you have the opportunity to specialize in this field.