To receive the certificate please fill out the form, print it out and have it signed
Attention: |
For each date there will be Main Project talks and discussion. The speakers of the day are also the chair persons for the other talks.
Additionally, there'll be a poster session where the new PhD projects will be presented (formerly, SP talks).
To receive a participation confirmation additionally for the whole semester one has to attend at least 7 dates / semester (all dates of the PhD seminar and Biokolloq). PhD students have to prove at least 3 semester of attendance of the seminar, a poster, and a MP talk to be able to submit their thesis.
There is a tracking card for download to prove the participation. Please fill out the form the WIWI-Portal, print it out and have the dates signed
The attendance of the single seminar will be confirmed by one of the participating professors. The student is responsible for the tracking card and has to hand over the completely filled tracking card to Véronique Orian-Rousseau. After that a certificate can be given.
Master and PhD students will be matched and contact each other independently. The review article of the master students is to be send to the PhD students 4 days before the seminar latest. The PhD student and the supervisor will evaluate this and will give the feed-back to the master student and the seminar leader (Véronique Orian-Rousseau). The same procedure will take place with the summary of the PhD talk. The OK for the summary has to be send to the seminar leader.
Conditions for the certificate for master students:
- Participation in the seminar at least 7 times / semester (all PHD-Seminar dates, together with Biokolloq dates => 7 times)
- Writing of a review article (3-4 pages), based on review articles send to the master by the PhD student; deadline: 4 days before the seminar
- Asking three questions to the PhD student during the discussion.
- Writing of a summary (1 page; deadline: 14 days after the seminar).
Conditions for the certificate for PhD students:
- Participation in the seminar at least 7 times / semester (all PHD-Seminar dates, together with Biokolloq dates => 7 times); 3 certificates necessary during the whole PhD time
- Poster when starting the PhD thesis (until the end of the first year)
- 1 MP-Talk at the end of the thesis; duration: 20 min + discussion
For the Poster presentation and the MP-Talk you have to complete the following tasks:
a. Load up an abstract in ILIAS before the registration deadline
(Instruction to write an abstract)
b. Sending review articles to the corresponding master student (for Poster Presentation and MP-Talk)
c. Correction of the review article from the master student; evaluation sent to the master and the seminar leader
d. Correction of the summary of the master, evaluation sent to the master and the seminar leader
e. Chairperson during the own seminar for the other talks of the day

How to write the abstract