You can find out which modules and components are included in your curriculum in the study plan.
Curriculum Bachelor of Eduaction (pdf)

In the module handbook (pdf) you will find the qualification objectives and contents of the modules offered. Please note that the pdf version is updated twice a year, always 6 weeks before the start of the semester. The current digital version of the module handbook can be found at the bottom of this page.
Online Module Handbook
The examination regulations (pdf) and the corresponding subject-specific part (pdf) define the framework conditions for the examinations in your degree program. They are legally binding and therefore a central document in your degree program

In addition to studying the two main subjects, the teacher training course also includes the accompanying educational science course, the orientation internship and, at the end, the Bachelor's thesis in one of the two subjects. Information on this can be found on the website of the Center for Teacher Training (ZLB)
Center for Teacher Training (ZLB)Module Handbook Bachelor of Education Biology
- Curriculum Bachelor of Education (pdf)
- Overview of the Scientific Major
- Module Description Bachelor Thesis Biology B. Ed. (pdf)
Major Subject Biology
Structure and Function of Life |
Physiology |
Biological Diversity |
Molecular Biology |
Biological and Biochemical Concepts |
Biological Methods |
Specialized Didactics I |
Specialized Didactics II |

experienced students have compiled an information brochure for you information brochure (pdf) on the biology teacher training program.