Applications are made centrally at the Student Service Center. KIT participates in the dialog-oriented service procedure.
Biology Teaching Degree Admission and Application
The university has its own admission procedure for teacher training courses.
For the Bachelor of Education, relevant professional experience or special extracurricular achievements (e.g. success in Jugend forscht or internships) are taken into account in addition to the Abitur average and the subject grades for German, Mathematics and Biology. The final grade of the Bachelor's certificate, the Biology grade in the Bachelor's certificate and the subject didactics grade are taken into account for selection to the Master of Education. No other criteria are taken into account. For selection to the Master of Education - extension subject (this is then the third subject), the final grade of a Bachelor of Education with two other subjects and the biology grade in the Abitur are taken into account. No further criteria are taken into account here either.
The procedure is regulated by the relevant selection regulations:
- Selection regulations Bachelor of Education Biology (pdf)
- Selection regulations Master of Education Biology (pdf)
- Selection regulations for the Master of Education in Biology as an extension subject (pdf)
Applications are made online directly to the study office.
The following documents must be submitted:
1. transcripts and other documents in transcript or copy, which prove the previous career, in particular the school leaving certificate (for BA-Ed) or the Bachelor's certificate (for MA-Ed)
2. in the event that special achievements are claimed for the application for the Bachelor of Education Biology degree program, the proof thereof. The current list of achievements that will or will not be taken into account can be found in the list of criteria (pdf)
3. a written declaration by the applicant that the right to take examinations in Biology Teacher Education or related degree programs has not been lost.
Application deadline/submission deadline for all degree programs for the winter semester is July 15. For the Master's degree program(notfor the extension subject), it is also possible to apply for the SS (submission deadline 15 January)
The Bachelor's selection procedure takes place in the last week of July, so you can expect to receive a decision by the second week of August.
Important for applications for the Bachelor of Education: The Biology degree program is admission-restricted. It is possible to submit a second application for another subject combination that is not subject to admission restrictions - in case you are not admitted to Biology.

Find out about the content of the teacher training course
Teaching Degree Programs in Biology