Content and data of the modules
Course of Study

If you have a confirmed place, you must register for the corresponding CAS examination. As a rule, these are only activated for registration at the beginning of the semester. In ILIAS you will find instructions on how to register for the exams in CAS.
You can also download the slides from the presentation of the degree program there.
Module Selection WS24/25
The following research modules are again available for application:
F-Module | Places |
Block 1 | |
[7153] Developmental Biology of Plants (MFOR1221) (Lecture (V)) | 8 |
Block 3 | |
[7151] Ecology of City Trees under Global Change (MFOR1220) (Lecture (V)) | 16 |
Post-block | |
[7147] Research Module: Plant Cell Biology - Methods and Concepts (MFOR-1201) Courses A+B (Lecture (V)) | 4 |
[7139] Research Module: Plant Evolution - Methods and Concepts (MFOR-1202) (Lecture (V)) | 8 |
If you are interested in the courses, please contact the providers directly.
If you are unsure about your module choice, wait until 23.09.2024, when we will offer a Zoom information session at 10:00 a.m. and can answer any questions you may have. The selection is open from 09.09.2024 to 10.10.2024 and the registration period has no influence on the allocation of places.
Please note that you must select a maximum of TWO RESEARCH MODULES in two different blocks. The allocation of places is purely algorithmic, the semester in which you are enrolled is irrelevant.
You can award a TOTAL of two times 5, two times 4, two times 3, two times 2 and two times 1 star, which you MUST distribute across all modules in all block periods. At the end you must have "used up" all the stars.
The star system is set so that you can only award 5, 4, 3, 2 or 1 star(s) once in each block period. You can therefore NOT award 2 x 5 stars in a block period......, which would be nonsensical anyway. However, the system CANNOT be set so that you are not allowed to award more than twice 5 stars ect in a block... You must ensure the correct distribution yourself. At the end of the voting period, we will combine the data from the individual module blocks and then we will see who has voted incorrectly. If you have awarded too many stars... we will decide for you.
The research modules are automatically distributed centrally via Campus+ after your module selection. The lists are sent to the institutes that offer limited space. The prioritization of students is not made public.
You can EXCHANGE modules. In this case, you will need a partner from another module to swap with you. Contact BOTH providers together and discuss the swap directly with those responsible.
If you do NOT want to or cannot take a module that has been allocated to you, report this IMMEDIATELY to the provider of the module. It would be extremely unfair to block places that cannot be taken by interested students.
If you have already completed all the necessary modules as part of your degree program and would like to take an additional module(ADDITIONAL), do NOT select the module via Campus+, but contact the relevant provider directly.
In the MASTERVORZUG you can only choose ONE module via the Campus+ portal. You can choose between 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 starE. However, you can apply directly to the providers for further modules.
Open places that are still available after distribution via Campus+ will be published on the Biology Master's teaching page. If you are interested in these places, please contact the providers directly.
You canselect modules for the individual blocks and courses under the following links:
Choice Seminar Forming Concepts
Interdisciplinary seminars and doctoral seminar
One of the two interdisciplinary seminars may be replaced by a course in the language center/HOK/ZAK etc.
Major excursions 2025
Since the lectures for the excursions already take place in the winter semester and the places must also be booked, the distribution of places on the excursions in SS25 is already taking place.