AudimaxMaren Riemann
Exam Registration

For all courses, including practical courses, excursions and seminars, you must register for examinations in Campus Management (CAS) at least one week before the examination (or the end of the course).
Don't know how to do this? No problem....
You can log in to CAS and click on the relevant examination from your study plan to register.

CAS Exam Registration
ModulhandbuchMaren Riemann
Module Handbook and Curriculum

In the module handbook you will find the contents and qualification objectives for the courses. The individual modules are linked to the courses and here you will find the corresponding ILIAS courses with the course content

Module Handbook and Curriculum
BeratungMaren Riemann
Consulting and Support

We advise you on the course of your studies, on recognition in the Department of Biology, on the curriculum or module handbook, but there are also extensive counseling services for students in unusual or difficult life situations.

Consulting and Support

Timetable 2nd semester General Biology


BA-02 Tutorial on Animal Physiology

BA-NA02 Organic Chemistry*

BA-02 Physiology of Animals

BA-NA02 Organic Chemistry*


BA-03 Zoological identification exercises Course 1

BA-03 Botanical identification exercises course 1

BA-02 Physiology of plants


BA-03 Zoological identification exercises course 2

BA-03 Botanical identification exercises*

BA-02 Tutorial on zoological identification exercises


Animal physiology practical course A

Animal physiology practical course B

*the identification exercises are followed by zoological excursions and botanical excursions (dates to be arranged)

* the lecture Organic Chemistry is followed by the corresponding practical course Organic Chemistry after the semester

Veranstaltungen des 2. Semesters Allgemeine Biologie
Titel Typ Semester Zeit LVNr. Prüfung
Vorlesung (V) SS 2020 7087
Lecture (V) SS 2025 7002
Practical Course (P) SS 2025 7101
Praktikum (P) SS 2020 7009
Praktikum (P) SS 2020 7010
Practice (Ü) SS 2025 7107
Exkursion (EXK) SS 2020 7102
Vorlesung (V) SS 2020 5101
Praktikum (P) SS 2020 5107