CoronaMaren Riemann
Exams under Pandemic Conditions

Please note the changes to the examinations due to the pandemic situation

FAQs Exams SS21
AudimaxMaren Riemann
Exam Registration

For all courses, including practical courses, excursions and seminars, you must register for examinations in Campus Management (CAS) at least one week before the examination (or the end of the course).
Don't know how to do this? No problem....
You can log in to CAS and click on the relevant examination from your study plan to register.

CAS Exam Registration

Exams in the SS

Please register for all examination events (including internships, excursions and seminars) in CAS!

There are various forms of examination:

  • written examination (graded, two retakes possible)
  • Oral examination (graded, one opportunity to resit)
  • Other types of examination (graded, one opportunity to resit, usually consists of different parts of the examination, e.g. test, minutes and presentation)
  • Coursework (always ungraded, usually practical, but can also be oral or written)

If you are unable to register for an examination, please contact Maren Riemann report

Exams Bachelor Biology SS
Titel Teilleistung Prüfer Semester Datum Zeit Ort


Urszula Weclawski

2 07.07.2021 Geb. 30.28; 1.OG; Praktikumsraum

Sebastian Schmidtlein, Nadine Rühr, Wolfgang Wilcke

06.05.2025 16:00 20.21 Pool F, 20.21 Pool H

Prof. Schmidtlein

5 15.04.2024 11:45 20.21 Pool C

T-CIWVT-110128 Bioverfahrenstechnik

Prof. Posten

5 06.07.2021!campus/all/event.asp?gguid=0xC567BFBDA23A40AB88E6D2CD0861ED87

Prof. Grünberger

12.08.2024 16:00 30.21 Christian-Gerthsen-HS

Prüfung 7221-V-403

Prof. Dr. Syldatk

26.07.2021 09:00 Seminarraum 004 in Gebäude 40.50


Peter Nick

1 25.06.2021 14:00 Audimax

CAS-71100180 BA-01_2

Martin Bastmeyer, Jörg Kämper, Peter Nick

1 23.04.2021 17:00


Maren Riemann, Max Seyfried, Peter Vogel

2 12.07.2021 Geb. 30.28; 1 OG; Praktikumsraum


Manfred Focke



Joachim Podlech, Stefan Bräse

29.07.2021 11:00 großes Zelt und Audimax

CAS-71-107514 ‒ BA-01

Joachim Bentrop

1 25.06.2021 10:00 Fasanengarten-HS und Messtechnik-HS


Jörg Kämper, Reinhard Fischer, Natalia Requena



Jörg Kämper, Dozent*innen der Biologie


Frank Breitling

5 25.04.2025 14:00 10.91 Franz-Grashof-Hörsaal


Dietmar Gradl


Biology examiners

Room 005 and Room 001 ground floor Building 30.43 (Bioturm)