
  • type: Prüfung (PR)
  • chair: KIT-Fakultäten - KIT-Fakultät für Chemie und Biowissenschaften
  • semester: WS 21/22
  • time: Mo 14.03.2022
    10:00 - 12:00, einmalig
    Übersicht gebuchte Klausuren

    Mo 14.03.2022
    10:00 - 12:00, einmalig
    11.40 Johann-Gottfried-Tulla-Hörsaal
    11.40 Kollegiengebäude am Ehrenhof (OG 1)

  • lecturer: Prof. Dr. Frank Breitling
  • lv-no.: 71100214 BA-NA05_1
  • information:


Organizational matters

The date for the main exam is:

Friday, ###.03.2025 from ###.00 to ###.00 Building ### ###--Hörsaal (HS37)

Main exam biochemistry. You can register for one of the two dates (end of March and end of April).

If you cannot come to the main exam, please keep in mind that you will only find the exam date for the post-exam in SS25, as this date is in April 2025.

If you fall ill on the first date, simply write me an e-mail and come to the second date. This also applies vice versa if there are any scheduling difficulties.